Free Divine Diagonals Jelly Roll Tutorial!

Don't be scared off if this pattern looks too complex... trust me... it's very easy!
All you'll need to make the throw size (shown above) is 40 strips of your favorite sets of colors (try it using an Island Batik pack!) - and any 40 strips of contrast. If you like the look of the photo, shop "Snow" solid 20-strips here for your contrast (you'll need 2)! Our 20 strips are being phased out of the store - get em while we have em! Or grab a Robert Kaufman Snow 40-strip Roll-up (also on sale)!
All you'll need to make the throw size (shown above) is 40 strips of your favorite sets of colors (try it using an Island Batik pack!) - and any 40 strips of contrast. If you like the look of the photo, shop "Snow" solid 20-strips here for your contrast (you'll need 2)! Our 20 strips are being phased out of the store - get em while we have em! Or grab a Robert Kaufman Snow 40-strip Roll-up (also on sale)!